One may be poor, but at the same time very capable. In order to over come such a position of poverty, some business could be conducted in order that such a person may prosper. The problem in such an instance may be lack of funds. One may be eager to learn sanskrit, but needs the help of a teacher to learn it in order to develop it to a high standard. For an emaciated person, good food and a tonic is required to attain optimal health. For a tottering man, a walking stick is needed. Thus, in order to strengthen his body, mind and knowledge, man is dependent on the help of others.
A man in need of money should be given money, and not a sermon on how to get the money. In this way, he will be able to multiply it and become rich. For one who is in need of education, it is of little use giving him a lecture on education; he should be taught. A sick man needs medicine and not a talk on how to cure his ailment.
In order to attain the grace of God and acquire siddhis and know the secrets of the universe, mere mental powers are not enough for the ordinary man. Only that which can be learned through his five senses can be attained as his solitary capacity cannot exceed that level. In order to attain knowledge of a more subtle nature, a person requires the help of subtler vehicles. But these vehicles are dormant in most individuals. In order to experience spiritual subtleties, man’s dormant vehicles need to be aroused by channeling energies directed at his dormant powers. The only powers currently available to most men are those of science which act only on physical objects.
In order to activate one’s dormant subtle power, one has to have it activated by one who has such power of activation. Should one manage to attain this subtle power from who has acquired it, then it can be further developed. It is this process of activating the subtle power, which is called initiation.
It was explained that Initiation is the acquisition of subtler powers and that those who receive such Initiation should be able to accept it. If they do not absorb what they are given, the power will be frittered away. One’s mind should be completely one-pointed in concen-tration, controlling one’s thoughts and not allowing the mind random rule. Generally, those who have great devotion also have this ability. Such people, initiated in the proper manner will, by practice, improve in meditation, mental prayer and other spiritual disciplines.
Generally people are initiated if they have mastered concentration. To grasp the powers of subtler initiation, the mind should be fit enough to grasp the physical scientific powers or energies and the mind should be strengthened. For such strong-willed people, ‘self initiation’ is taught. In this practice students are able to gaze at a luminous object and develop dormant subtler energies. Those who undergo Yoga Vidya training before being ‘self initiated’ can strengthen their minds still further. To those who are regular in practice in the right path and do Japas (prayers) for a long time, the above process is still necessary but, because their mind would have attained the power of concentration, they can take the initiation straight away.
To attain moksha, one has to awaken his dormant subtler energies. One who wants to be at home in the seven worlds should awaken all seven energies. Therefore, initiation differs in seven ways. In each of the seven initiations, one will be able to awaken subtle energies pertaining to that aspect.
An initiate is one who has been properly initiated and who is following his practices regularly. In the present day, some have read books and have started practicing or have seen others and copied them. These kind of people will not see the light of day in spite of many hours of practice. This is because practice does not mean following certain rituals, but is a one-pointed concentration of mind on any object thought of. To achieve this, training is given in mental meditation and mental prayer. Unless one succeeds in these, he will not be able to absorb the divine magnetism through his practice. To achieve this stage, one has to be initiated by a fit person. It starts with a physical scientific initiation whereby the teacher imparts a new magnetic power to the disciple. If they are able to attain perfection in this, then they will be able to go to the next stage or absorbing divine magnetism. Further training for them will be initiation into pranic techniques and they should be in a position to control pranic energy. Following is the initiation of the mental aspect and if they succeed, then Jnana initiation is given in which one is able to control one’s ‘chitta’ and experience great bliss. Brahma initiation allows one a view of the spiritual world and strengthens the further control of chitta. By practice, such an initiate can learn to see Brahma (God) face-to-face (Brahma Satshatkara). The physical, prana and mental initiations are given by living teachers. Unless one is first initiated into these states, one cannot attain Brahma Satshatkara.
Initiation up to the mental level was previously only given in the ashrams of the Rishis, but now it can be given telepathically from an ashram to a disciple in his or her own home. This is done through vibhuti and kunkum, which are charged with the magnetism of teachers and can be carried out through any other means that can be absorbed by the student. The magnetised ‘prasada’ enters the body of the disciple and gives the desired effect. With regard to pranic and mental initiation, the teacher keeps the student in a receptive state and sends waves of initiation through pranic and mental space and this is absorbed by the student. Thus students can receive initiation without physically seeing their teacher. Without proper initiation in spiritualism, one cannot achieve progress in athma jnana.
by Swami RK Murugeshu Maharishi